

My favorite book so far this year: Pulphead by John Jeremiah Sullivan. I found it at Parnassus Books, an independent book store in Nashville opened by Ann Patchett and Karen Hayes, and until these essays I had no clue I was so interested in Bunny Wailer, Christian rock festivals, ancient cave paintings in Tennessee, Tea Party marches, strange and violent animal behavior, the One Tree Hill house in Wilmington, DE, Michael Jackson, the questionable death of a census worker in Eastern Kentucky, long-lost Blues recordings, or the forgotten work and possibly repugnant personality of French German naturalist Constantine Rafinesque. Oh, and Axl Rose.


zan said...

LOVED this book. Especially the Axl Rose essay.

ronckytonk said...

So good. So, so good. Because of the Bunny Wailer piece I suddenly really want to see the B.Marley documentary that (I think?) just came out even though I haven't listened to much reggae since college. But I'm still afraid of caves and am not taking up spelunking any time soon or ever.