

Since I was on blog vacation during the AI tour and just got back to my life, there's a big gaping June-September hole of what I've been doing, not just here on Ronckytonk but in most of my friendships. I made very few personal phone calls, I was a machine. Matthew even made a design for it.

Much of my last three months I can't talk about, not because of the confidentiality contract I signed but because of BORING. A bunch of factors kept me in a state of catch-up for months and I'd guess the first deep breath I took was in late July. Ahh. I'd spent my days off until then at hotel room desks and when I got a few hours free I'd walk outside to clear my mind.

Once, in New York, I was desperate to leave the hotel room but HAD to finish some paperwork so I took my folders to a pub in the East Village. I was so pleased with myself that I didn't mind looking like a raging geek and, in fact, happily reminisced about college in Ecuador when most papers I turned in reeked of spilled tequila.

Even when you're a nerd on tour, however, you get around despite yourself so there are photos. I think maybe a pictorial timeline is in order, what do you think?

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